Forward Planning
County Development Plan - Development Plan for Kilkenny City and Environs
The process of preparing a new County Development Plan including Development Plans for the Scheduled Towns of Callan, Castlecomer, Graiguenamanagh, Thomastown and for the Waterford City Environs (including Belview Area Action Plan and Kilmacow Village Plan) and the Environs of New Ross concluded with the adoption of both Plans in July, 2002.
Area Plans
Work commenced on the preparation of the Area Plans for Gowran and Inistioge which will be made in 2003. Consultation meetings were held in Piltown/Fiddown and Mooncoin and it is expected that proposed Area Plans will be available for these areas early in 2003.
Preliminary work was undertaken in relation to the preparation of an Area Plan for the Poulgour Wetlands Area of the Western Environs of Kilkenny City. The process will now be further developed following the adoption of the Kilkenny City and Environs Plan.
A Conservation Officer with responsibilities for both the County and Borough areas was appointed in June 2002. This has enabled:
The provision of specialist advice to owners of protected structures and the issue of Statutory Declarations if required.
Advice to Area Planners and engineers on the conservation aspects of planning applications.
Inclusion of the Conservation Officer on project teams for the Council's own developments, where appropriate.
The appointment has also allowed the Council to establish closer working relationships with the prescribed bodies for the architectural heritage and the local amenity societies, as evidenced by a presentation by Duchas, the Heritage Service to the Members of the Council in September.
A priority for 2003 will be to begin a systematic review of the Record of Protected Structures for the County. This will be carried out in tandem with the programme for the village local plans and will allow an up-to-date Record of Protected Structures to be compiled in each case, together with the designation of Architectural Conservation Areas if appropriate.
The DOELG Conservation Grant Scheme administered by the County Council expended €53,287 on 8 projects in 2002. The technical aspects of the Scheme will henceforth be the responsibility of the Conservation Officer.
The Council's commitment to the protection and enhancement of all aspects of heritage is ongoing and, in conjunction with the Heritage Council, it is intended to employ a Heritage Officer in 2003.
Derelict Sites
The Council continue in their efforts to eradicate derelict sites. Responsibility for derelict sites has been assigned to the Area Offices and a complete review of the Derelict Sites Register is underway. The tax incentives available under the Town Renewal Scheme should encourage property owners to develop/refurbish derelict sites in the designated towns.
Development Charges
1892 planning applications were received in 2002.
13 tree felling licence applications and 37 aforrestation applications were received and processed.
637 commencement notices received.
€525,756.70 received in planning application fees.
€2,877,578.65 received in development contributions.
Strategic Assessments
A Joint Retail Strategy was adopted and incorporated in both Development Plans.
A Joint Housing Strategy (Downloadable Document) was adopted by both Kilkenny County Council and Kilkenny Borough Council in 2002 which is aimed at boosting the supply of land for private and public housing.
Kilkenny County Council and Kilkenny Borough Council commissioned the preparation of a joint Cycle Routes Study for Kilkenny City and Environs which was completed in 2002.
Work continued on Phase 2 of the Kilkenny Active & recreational Open Space Needs Study. It is expected that the Study will be completed in 2003 and will form the basis for the future development of this sector.
Work commenced on the preparation of a Wind Farm Strategy and it is expected that a Strategy will be agreed in 2003
Town Renewal
A one year extension of the time limit for commercial and residential tax incentives for the Town Renewal Scheme(LINK DEAD) was announced by the Minister in December. The scheme is now due to expire on the 31st December, 2004. The Minister indicated that this would be the final extension for the Town Renewal Scheme. The Scheme applies to the following towns in County Kilkenny:
- Castlecomer
- Callan
- Thomastown
- Urlingford
- Piltown
- Graiguenamanagh/Tinnahinch
In an effort to promote the Scheme the Council produced Brochures early in the year and held information clinics in each of the designated towns. There was a high attendance at the clinics. The Council also produced the first Annual Report for the scheme which covered the period 24th July, 2000 to 30th April, 2002. Strategic Policy Committee 1 Economic Development and Planning Policy now act as the Monitoring Committee for the Scheme.
To avail of the tax incentives a Certificate of Consistency is required from the local authority. Kilkenny County Council granted 5 First Stage Certificates and 1 Final Stage Certificate during 2002.
Guidelines on the Certification process, together with application forms are available from the Planning Section, Kilkenny County Council.
8% of the cost of the project is local matching funding and is a combination of Council own funds and community funds.
Urban and Village Renewal
Under the Urban and Village Renewal Programme 2002, Hugginstown, Slieve Rue The Rower and Gallowshill were in receipt of grant aid for environmental improvement works from the Department of the Environment and Local Government. A total of €354,111 was received from the Department towards these works and a number of streetscape improvement works carried out in the Borough area.
The projects all involved consultation with local community groups and included development of amenity areas, construction of footpaths and enhancement of community facilities. 8% of the cost of the project is local matching funding and is a combination of Council own funds and community funds.
Woodstock Gardens
The year 2002 saw Woodstock Gardens develop further as an important visitor attraction for Kilkenny and the south east region. The gardens attracted in the region of 25,000 visitors with the majority visiting in the summer months. However the autumn and winter periods were also shown to be busy, particularly over Christmas and the New Year.
Kilkenny County Council's budget for the year was €226,000 with €38,000 of this going to capital repayments. In addition to Council monies, we were successful in sourcing funds from other bodies and were awarded €43,000 from the Civic Trust and €50,000 from BNS Leader, Kilkenny. We were also awarded a grant of €40,000 from the Department of the Environment and Local Government under their Conservation Grants Scheme for works to Woodstock House, this was in addition to a grant of €31,000 which was carried forward from the previous year. This grant is being used to stabilise the front façade of Woodstock House which is currently in a state of collapse.
The new gardening course established in conjunction with Grennan College, Thomastown took is now in its second year. Gardening students from Grennan College continue to work in the gardens two days per week as part of their work experience module. Finally the new Woodstock website is currently being developed and will be ready for launch in 2003.
Performance Indicators - Forward Planning
Year | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 |
No. of Planning Applications | 1,397 (1,892 in total) | 1,828 (this includes valid/invalid) | 2,023 (this includes valid/invalid) |
No. of Permissions | 1,112 | 1,289 | 1,504 |
(as a % of Decisions) | 81.22% | 78% | 79% |
No. of Refusals | 257 | 363 | 398 |
(as a % of Decisions) | 18.77% | 22% | 21% |
% Decided within 8 weeks / 2 months | 53% | 58% | 61% |
Deferral Rate | 47% | ||
No. of Invalid Applications | 534 (28%) |